I have to say that B and I were very excited about this weekend. Not only because our friend's new baby was coming, but because for the first time in a very long time, we had no plans!!! Don't get me wrong, we like having things to do, but sometimes it sure is nice to have no prior arrangements, and to just make it up as we go along.
Friday brought the arrival of Becky's family's new addition. Isn't she beau-ti-ful?!
Tiny toes. Soooo cute!
Saturday we had dinner at Texas Road House with Lisa, Jeremy, Mandy, and Nana. And we ran into David and Maria while we were there.
Unfortunately, Sunday B ended up having to do something for work, but by 4pm, he'd had enough. So, we made a trip to Blockbuster and got ice cream at Marble Slab (yum!). My last three rentals, that I turned in on Sunday, were all bombs. Heartbreak Kid, Someone to Eat Cheese With (independent-about as dumb as the name), and Margot at The Wedding (depressing and I'm not sure there was ever actually a wedding, I zoned out). I sure am getting tired of bad movies. It has actually become a chore to find something worth renting these days. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised seeing as there's rarely anything worth seeing at the theater anymore. I feel like I have had this conversation on here before, if so, sorry. Guess, I'm just frustrated because I used to enjoy watching movies. I suppose, it's not only that movies have gone down hill, but also that I have gotten choosier and don't want to waste time on one I don't enjoy. Ah, well, such is life.....
Oh, and this was a big weekend for Harley. Our Spring time yard bunny has returned - and Harley does so much enjoy a good rabbit chasing.
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