Monday, October 22, 2007

I went to the movies again today (Sunday). I rarely ever go to the movies and I've been twice this weekend. I was seriously considering seeing "Across the Universe" again, because I did some reading up on the movie and realized a lot of stuff I missed. There's a lot of references that I didn't catch the 1st time. Anyway, today I saw "Things We Lost in the Fire". I really liked it. Though, don't go see it thinking it's gonna be a happy go lucky flick. Benicio Del Toro was really good, that's one ugly dude (sorry), but he's good! It made me want to watch The Usual Suspects again, which I love! I thought the most interesting thing about the movie was how it showed recovering from grief and recovering from addiction can be very simular processes. I'd never thought about that before.

Moving on.....after the movie, I had to walk over to one of my favorite stores, Pottery Barn. I discovered a new piece of furniture to add to my "PB Wish List". After PB, I walked on to discover the addition of Banana Republic to the circle. I went in to see if my usual opinion would differ, which it didn't, this store still annoys me. Then, though I tried really hard, I just couldn't manage to avoid going into Barnes & Noble. What can I say, I have a weakness for bookstores. Upon entering B & N, I was pleased to find that I was not bombarded by the face of Joel Osteen like I was in Borders yesterday. Here, his latest book was positioned off to the side, allowing one to freely enter without being overwhelmed.

This evening.....I'm driving along, heading back home, and a deer nearly runs out in front of my car! I stopped short, she stoppped short, then she turned around, and ran the other way. Of course, I had to pause and watch her run back into the woods. What is it about watching deer run that's so fascinating? Then, I'm driving along on the 45 feeder and I see a racoon running along. Then, I turn into my neighborhood, and I have to stop to let a dog cross the street. And then, right before I turn onto my street I see a cat with it's leg in the air licking itself. I'm not making this stuff up, animals were everywhere. After all that, when I drove into my driveway, I was expecting to see Buck, our neighbor's dog that likes to come visit me, but he wasn't there.

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