Saturday, October 20, 2007

Today I went to see Across The Universe, which I enjoyed. It's a movie musical based on the songs of the Beatles. It was definately a good one to see in the theater because it is very visually stimulating. Then, I did some shopping at Market Street. I spent a good bit of time in Borders. I got a few books: "The Jane Austen Book Club", "Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour" by J.D. Salinger (Really long title, huh? I decided to read another Salinger since I enjoyed Catcher in the Rye so much. - see previous post ), and a book for B for Christmas (so I won't say what it is). I also checked out the discount CD's and I got "The Offspring - Greatest Hits" for me (like I had to specify that) and "Switchfoot - The Beautiful Letdown" for B (which I may save for Christmas even though he knows about it - I had to ask him if he had it - boo). I went into the Bombay store and found that they are going out of business and are having a big sale. I got a Christmas present for B's parents and ran into some friends. That's one of the things I love about Market Street. You feel like you are going into "town square" and you're bound to run into someone you know, which gives you the illusion of small town living. The reality is, it's one of the few things to do around here, so chances are, someone you know is also doing it. But that's o.k. because I enjoy the illusion.


Jenn said...

Yet another reason we should have gone to Houston. NO ONE here would see that movie with me. Grump grump.

Erin said...

I know what you mean! But I didn't care, I just went by myself. Hmpt! hehe Wish we could have gone together!