Thursday, December 13, 2007

O.k., so this may not be as funny to you as it was to me.......

I'm sitting here just now at my desk playing around on my computer and B is reclining in the recliner with his lap top, working, meanwhile we are catching up on some Tivo. So, I'm sitting here and I hear him going, "Bean down! Bean down!" I look over at him wondering what the heck is going on, and he's looking around, and then he looks at me and says in a sad little voice, "I dropped my jelly bean." I don't know if it was the way he said it, or the fact that it's late at night, or both, but it cracked me up!

And then I thought....."Dude! Quit holding out on me and pass me some beans!"

Mmmmm......Jelly Bellies!

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