Friday, December 7, 2007

Thursday, December 6th, 2007

-Tormented the dog some more, by taking pictures of him in his new Christmas outfit. Then told him to forget he saw it cause it's his Christmas present.

-Had fun hanging out with Kelsey and helping her get ready for C's b-day party.

-Did a little more Christmas shopping. And picked up a gift for my mom to give to me. It's just easier that way. : )

-Had dinner with B, Megan, Eddie, and C.B. at a yummy Sushi restaurant. Made C.B. cry, cause I'm not mommy, hehehe.

-Picked up some more Peppermint Hershey Kisses, cause we're addicted. And apparently since I gave every one at B's work goodie bags with them in them, they are all addicted too.

Is that cute, or what?
Pretty ladies
All smiles!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Oh your poor, poor dog. Thank goodness he's such a good sport!!