Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tuesday Part 2

Went to dinner and the movies with my mom this evening. She wanted to see Juno and I was happy to see it again, so we did, and she liked it. The whole time we were eating the tv at the restaurant was talking about Heath Ledger's death. I feel sad for his little girl, she's so young she'll barely know him or be able to remember him when she gets older. I wasn't a big fan of his, but it's still sad. It reminded me of when River Pheonix died. It's always so shocking when famous people die because for some reason they seem so invinsible. I guess after turning on the tv or popping in a movie and having them there, we feel like they always will be. And I guess in a way they always will. Anyway, that's just my ponderings on the subject. Later!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I really want to see this movie. Maybe this weekend if my mom is free.

We were really shocked about HL's death, too! And I wasn't a big fan either, but he was young and had a little one. So sad. :(