Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tuesday Part 1

Spent yesterday at the hospital, B had his knee surgery, all went well. They had to trim off part of his meniscus that was torn. He's able to get around with a limp and actually went to work today. He has to go to Austin for work Thursday and his laptop is dead, so he had to go in and get another one ready to go. Ugh! The guy can't get a break.
Funny story:
This morning he decides he has to go in, I say "Do you really have to?", he says "yes", I offer to help him get ready, he says "no go back to sleep" (We were excited that I was actually sleeping. First night in 2 weeks! Woo hoo!) he proceeds to get ready, I can't go back to sleep cause I'm worried he's gonna hurt himself, I hear him him struggling, I go help him with his socks and shoes, and then it hit me.....
I said, "How do you think you are getting to work?"
Then it hits him.....
He laughs and says, "I guess I hadn't thought that far."
[Note: surgery was on his right knee]
I offer to bring him, he says never mind and we get back in bed. Yay!
A few hours later, he changes his mind, and I bring him to work. Boo!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I'm glad his surgery went well!