Thursday, March 20, 2008

A sad day on the farm

My mom and Johnny's donkey, Sugar, passed away today. She's the one we have been hoping was pregnant. She was so sweet and loved to be near them and follow them around. Sometimes when Johnny would be working on something she liked to stand beside him leaning up against him. My mom has never had pets before "the farm", other than whatever my brother and I brought home, so this is really her first experience with the loss of a pet. It was a freak and unexpected accident and I think it caught her off guard at how attatched we can become to our pets. Having never been an "animal person ", she says she is really starting to understand this now. Sugar was buried today in the woods on their property.

Pals - Sugar and Maggie
Sugar and Jethro playing chase


Mommy said...

NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Not Sugar!!! What happend? I am sure your mom and Johnny are heart broken. Hug them for us!

Jenn said...

Oh that's terrible!!! I'm so, so sorry for your loss!

Anonymous said...

Well written article.