Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Free to Be Me

The above video is a little inspiration for anyone who has had people try to change the way they are. It's a pretty silly (and old) video, but the point is the message. We are all free to be our own individuals and "yay!" to that, because wouldn't it be boring if we were all the same?
On Easter, my family and I were sitting around the table when my grandmother decided to inform me that she doesn't like the way I dress because I wear dark colors. With the help of the others this went on for quite a while. Apparently, I am too young to wear black (whatever that means), and it makes me look bad (thanks!), and I should be wearing white (which I hate to do) and bright colors (ugh!). So, basically - Change to please them? - Well....sorry....not gonna happen! Other people wear bright colors and I think they look great in them. It's just not my personal taste. I'm an earth tone kind of gal. Different colors appeal to different people. Hello!....That's why there are so many choices. Anyway, the point of this rambling is not color choices. The point is to be your own person and don't aspire to let other people's negativity influence you.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Sooo, according to them, black is out and rudeness and lack of tact is in??

Anywho, I wouldn't sweat it unless those family members happen to be Stacy and Clinton. Otherwise, a big Pffffft to them.