Thursday, February 26, 2009

A hiking we will go...

This afternoon B and I decided to go on a little hike around the preserve behind our house. It was quite nice. I decided to make it a family event and brought Harley with us. But the ol' guy coundn't hang. Half way through he was looking really tired, so I ended up carrying him for most of the rest of the way. And I know he had to be really tired, because at one point he even let me carry him on his back, and he usually hates that. Spoiled rotten dog!

And Jenn, I don't know how you can garry Gabe for so long, cause my arm was hurting carrying an 11 pound Chihuahua for a half an hour. Guess I need to build up my muscles. lol

Later that evening B and I went on a dinner date to a new Thai place near us. The building and sign have been there for a while and we'd been patiently awaiting it's opening. It was yummy.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

With a baby you get to gradually build up arm strength since you carry them from the day they are born. ;)