Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Jokes on Me!

So, B has been having some trouble sleeping lately, and I was afraid that the time change two weekends ago would make it worse. So, I tried to slip it by him. Since we never watch live TV and he works from home, this wasn't too hard of a feat. I just changed the clocks. Sunday came, and we went about our day. Later that afternoon, he left the house to return something at Best Buy. Shortly after he left, he called me and asked, "Is it daylight savings today?" ...Oops...I had completely forgotten about the clock in his car! Oh, well...I tried.

Here's where the joke was on me...

Two days later, I had to drive into Houston to run an errand. It was near Ikea, so I thought I'd stop in and look around. I was in there for quite a while, then I thought I'd better head back home so I don't get caught in the after work traffic. I get in my car to go back home, and look at the clock on the dash, which I'd made sure to changed after B had called me Sunday. ...But.....eeek!....I forgot to change the time on my watch! I was using it while in the store. The actual time was 4:47pm!!!

It was a long drive home.

BTW, Jenn, I got your bedspread. :)

1 comment:

Jenn said...

WOOHOOO for the bedspread! Thanks Erin!