Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Month of May in Missouri...

We left on April 30th and drove half way to Oklahoma City. This was the 1st road trip with Bently, so I had no idea how he'd do. He and Harley rode together in one crate and did great. In fact they were so quiet, I sometimes wondered if they were ok. Next day we drove the rest of the way to B's parents house. We spent a few days with them and then headed to St. Louis to stay with B's aunt. It's easier for us to stay with her because she's closer to B's grandparents and our friends, plus she has 3 Boxers, so she doesn't mind me bringing my dogs.
They tell me that the pollen here this season is the worse they've seen in a great many years. Lucky us! We've had sinus infections pretty much since the 1st week we got here. I've forgotten what it's like to breath out of my nose. It does seem to be improving a bit though, or we've just started getting used to it. (?)
I've gotten to spend a good bit of time with Mindy, B's aunt. We are alike in a lot of ways, so we get along great. She and I went to the Fleetwood Mac concert on May 6th. They were #1 on my concert "To Do List", so I was really excited about it. I even got my first "over priced concert t-shirt". Yep, 35 years old, and it's my first one (as far as I can recall). Just couldn't help myself this time, I was too excited, and I usually don't get all that jazzed about concerts. That Friday (the 8th) Mindy and B's grandma introduced me to my first auction. It was fun, and we came home with several goodies. Mindy also introduced me to a nearby town that I fell in love with. She's a trouble maker, that one! hehehe In fact I fell for it so much, that we darn near bought a house. Sneaky, sneaky Aunt Mindy!
Though we've stayed pretty busy, we haven't done as much as we'd like since we've been sick most of the time. But we have gotten to visit with Ben and Jenn a bit and B spent a few days helping Jeremy and Mandy move in with their parents. I got to go to the St. Louis zoo, it's one of my favs.! And this past Saturday I had a "girls day" with Mindy and Becky. I've enjoyed getting to do a bit more sight seeing this trip, which we usually don't have time for when we come up. And we have a few more things we hope to get in before we head back.
So far we've been gone 26 days.

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